adding context to your choices

The freedom to live life on your terms

Here’s one of the hardest (or least asked…) questions when it comes to financial planning:  “How much is enough?” It’s a simple question, but one that most people never stop to consider. We’re so caught up in the race for ‘more’ that we forget to ask ourselves why we’re running in the first place. It’s a vital question that we need to ask, so much so that Paul Armson wrote a book about it –  “Enough? […]

The gap between our income and ego

Is money linked to our ego? It’s a question that invites us to reflect on the deeper motivations behind our financial decisions. Morgan Housel, in his thought-provoking way, suggests that “savings is the gap between your income and your ego.”  This statement can be confronting, especially because it challenges us to consider the extent to which our financial behaviours are driven by a desire to maintain or enhance our sense of self-worth. While Housel’s observation holds […]


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